Design and Optimization of Thin Film Optical Filters (IFOFO)

Contributors: Zeynep Arslanturk, Osman Sayginer
Research Support: TUBITAK 2209-B Industrial Research Funding Program for Undergraduate Students 2019/1
Industrial Partner: Şişecam Turkey
Project Budget: 460
Status: Completed


Thin-film optical filters are key components in optical, electrical and architectural applications. Thanks to their simple and flexible structures, these filters increase their popularity in numerous areas such as monitoring, sensing, communication etc. An optical filter consists of ordered dielectric material layers in the nano-micrometer thickness. Combination of these different layers can bring many superior properties which cannot be achieved with a single material, for instance, quarter-wave stack optical filters are widely used to block light at particular wavelengths. For this reason, the design of thin-film structures plays an important role in research activities as well as product development.

In this project, we aim to present an automated design framework considering fabrication constraints as well as application limits. The modelling of the thin film filters and optical response of the structures will be studied using the Transfer Matrix Method. After that, the simulation model will be coupled with the genetic algorithm which is a meta-heuristic optimization approach. The design objectives and fabrication constraints will be defined in collaboration with Sisecam Turkey.
