Contributors: Egecan Ozcakar, Ahmet Tarik Deniz, Osman Sayginer, Gullu Kiziltas
Research Support: TUBITAK 2209-A Research Founding Program for Undergraduate Students – 2019/2
Project Budget: €370
Status: On going
Breast cancer is the most frequent type of cancer for women in the world. One out of every four cancer patients struggle with breast cancer. Early diagnosis plays an important role in the fight against breast cancer. The current breast cancer monitoring technologies are expensive and sometimes dangerous due to ionizing radiation. The microwave imaging method is one of the methods that can be used for the diagnosis of breast cancer. In this study, we aim to design and fabricate a wideband miniaturized patch antenna. Our goal is to develop a novel patch antenna that will be an integral component for future microwave imaging platform with low cost and easy access.

With this project, we introduce an open research community on Breast Cancer Monitoring and Detection called: BRACE. This community intends to involve all voluntary people for discussion and create awareness for breast cancer.